Walmart called — Your Photos Are Ready

Back By Popular Demand!

awkwardfamilyphotos.comĀ has given us permission to post the pictures, as long as we tag them back. šŸ™‚ With the exception of the other individuals that had asked us to take off some pictures due to some tattoo artists’ art and what not, we are bringing back the pictures for your enjoyment.

323 responses to “Walmart called — Your Photos Are Ready”

  1. Robert george Cheney Avatar
    Robert george Cheney

    These are good ole Amerikan Tea Party people please don’t laugh..thay are our future!

    1. marc Avatar

      Except the one with the Obamas before Michelle started shaving her mustache.

      1. Sherrie Avatar


      2. DesireƩ Turner Avatar


    2. Mobile Avatar

      So Right! My GAWD!

      1. Mobile Avatar

        That is ‘So Right! My GAWD!’ Referring to the Te-Baggers. I don’t care if Michelle had facial hair – she got ‘Back’….& that’s what the President needs.

      2. obama sucks Avatar
        obama sucks

        Imagine if the Obama supporters actually had a camera instead of their 1 mega pixel Metro PCS obama phone to take pictures with! This website would be full of losers growing weed, smoking weed, drinking 40’s and other welfarish crap those thugs do while the “teabaggers” are at work or sleeping after working all day to pay taxes to support them…..

      3. Guy with Username "Obama Sucks", likely sucks. Avatar
        Guy with Username “Obama Sucks”, likely sucks.

        @obama sucks: Uh, so how do you explain me? Very gainfully employed in the finance industry (office in 5 Times Square) and based on statistics, I am very likely to be closer to being the top 1% than you are…and for personal use I actually have an iPhone, for my work phone, I still like my Blackberry.

    3. Gene Avatar

      It’s “they” genius liberal… and lose the k in American , unless you’re referring to the unproven Nobel Peace Prize immigrant at 1600
      Pennsylvania Ave. who has a Conn. SSN and whose name is linked to at least 2 aliases… as Red on that 70’s show would say, “DUMBASS!”

      1. ojd dfobgu Avatar

        You’re repulsive. You need to know that.

      2. Guy with Username "Obama Sucks", likely sucks. Avatar
        Guy with Username “Obama Sucks”, likely sucks.

        ‘Amerika’, ‘Amerikan’, etc. is actually an inside joke….new to the internet?

      3. Sherrie Avatar

        Obama, Michelle & Hilary are all the Big Dumb-asses! They are and will continue to destroy America, strip us or our religious beliefs, morals and the American way. Where was Obama on July 4th? Oh yes, he was busy spending 100 million dollars on his vacation. That means you and I paid for that. When did you take your last vacation. Mine was about 20 or so years ago. How about you? Where did you go? Just wait for your wife to be encased in a burka for the rest of her life and that we will all have to pray facing the correct direction 5 times a day and their horrible Muslim music blasted over loud speakers in your town or city. Just wait until you are waiting days to get medical care due to Obama Care. Wait until you lose your job, your career, your home. When his “genius” hits you; lets see how much you still stand behind this non-American two faced lying corporate bought bastard.

      4. Ya'll crazy Avatar
        Ya’ll crazy

        Sherrie, did you forget to take your “happy pills” today?

    4. stacy Avatar

      Why do you post the pictures and then take them down??? Ridiculous!!!!

    5. john Avatar

      Fuck off commi

    6. Terry Avatar

      your an idiot!

    7. eneg leek Avatar

      except the ones representing new england liberals…not all the pictures…just 105% of them….:)

    8. Rich Arnone Avatar
      Rich Arnone

      Your ignorance is overwhelming. I challenge you to join a group of Tea Party Conservatives just to observe and learn. Think about it! You will either leave armed with first hand knowledge and more ammunition to continue to attack them or you will realize how much you have been manipulated and brain-washed by a deceptive media and disingenuous political Party. We are all ignorant about many things but you don’t have to stay that way about what kind of people identify with the Tea Party.

  2. Nick Avatar

    The guy with the huge eyes is totally J Peterman from Seinfeld

  3. Bill Avatar

    I’d say 90% of these were taken in the Mid-west. Draw a 500 mile circle around St. Louis.

    1. Mobile Avatar

      Looks like a lotta South in that portfolio.

  4. Krista Avatar

    Some of those were clearly taken at home, not in a studio, Walmart or otherwise. And Walmart doesn’t do off-location photography, either. In any event, these photos were truly horrendous. Not all of them would be the fault of the person behind the camera, either. Blame 80s styles, etc.

    1. Ron johnson Avatar
      Ron johnson

      Just stop talking…shhhh

    2. Mobile Avatar

      AND WTF is wrong with ’80s STYLE? Most of my parachute pants & Mem-Only jackets still repel the rain today! Jack-axx, yuppie Izod-wearin’ Preppie!

  5. Marky P Avatar
    Marky P

    I’m tempted to book a holiday to America purely to go into a Walmart! I wonder what the best day to visit would be…………………….

    1. marc Avatar

      Beginning of the month

    2. Mobile Avatar

      No need to go to the USA – WAM-Mart has bought lotsa store chains ’round the world – ‘BIG’ in Brasil, ‘Game’ in Africa, Ya never know, they could be posin’ as the Mom & Pop Store down the street from you. The Ghost of Sam Walton Lives!

    3. Cathy Sarah Avatar

      Go between 1 and 3am if you want to see the weirdos…

    4. kathy Avatar

      where are you/

    5. Guy with Username "Obama Sucks", likely sucks. Avatar
      Guy with Username “Obama Sucks”, likely sucks.

      One’s in the Northeast would normally be a waste of your time, need to go to a state that sells t-shirts with confederate flags on them. THAT, is always an interesting thing to see.

  6. Rocky Horror Avatar
    Rocky Horror

    I want more !

  7. deanie Avatar

    Loved the lime green suit!

  8. Michele Avatar

    I’m sure a lot of these photos were taken in the late 70’s early 80’s and that was the hair style back then.

    1. Ron johnson Avatar
      Ron johnson

      I’m guessing you’re a genius

  9. Marilyn Avatar

    Laughed til I cried…….tooooo funny !!!!! and I shop walmart …

  10. Angel Avatar

    What is wrong with people ???

    1. Nikki Avatar

      Obama supporters

  11. Nancy Avatar

    I love these pics of my family members. Please DO NOT delete!

  12. John Selensky Avatar

    This is how obama got elected.

    1. Nikki Avatar

      ha ha! so true.

    2. Ron johnson Avatar
      Ron johnson

      Stfu tard

    3. John Selensky Nob Tard Avatar
      John Selensky Nob Tard

      Hi, my name is John Selensky and I cry like a little girl all day long.

      1. Guy with Username "Obama Sucks", likely sucks. Avatar
        Guy with Username “Obama Sucks”, likely sucks.

        That’s an insult to little girls…

    4. ThenUDie Avatar


    5. D.L. Avatar

      Actually, these people definitely represent the Bible belt, the south, the Midwest…the W. BUSH/ GOP constituency.

      Give me a break.

  13. Robbin Avatar

    It’s too bad that some things can not be unseen.

  14. Steve D Avatar
    Steve D

    How i howled at the two Poodles !!!!!!

  15. John Avatar

    The Fair Use Doctrine under the U.S. Copyright Act allows you to post the pictures, don’t be a pussy.

  16. cary pellerin Avatar
    cary pellerin

    why put this up then yank the pictures citeing priviesy issues?

  17. Sal Cameli Avatar

    Yo where are the pictures? I think you should take the whole site down! Vomit sucks!

  18. eks Avatar

    I went on a date with a guy once. Before the date, he called me and told me he got his hair permed and that I’d “just love it” (really, I should have run then!). The date was horrid and we never went out again.

    He worked on the assembly line at Ford Motor Co and one day he was injured on the job and from what I heard “almost lost his entire hand”.

    I’m rather certain that’s him with the pregnant woman and the tire.

  19. Frank Avatar

    I think the majority of you who post should take spelling lessons. Maybe you can pick up a grade one speller when next you visit Walmart

  20. Biff Dill Avatar
    Biff Dill

    Taking these lovely photos down is almost as lame as misspelling privacy. Your site is worthless, and you are indeed a pussy (and not in a good way.)

  21. Lynn Avatar


  22. corn husker Avatar

    what’s with all the weird political shit and name calling over people’s weird pictures? talk about childish

  23. Eric Avatar

    Come on dude, put them back. Too many “ehh” ones to filter through. You had the gems.

  24. Bill bailey Avatar
    Bill bailey

    You suck…create the demand and then redirect to your website!

  25. Phyllis Irene Anderson Sydow Iverson Anderson Avatar

    Actually, I found amusing. I am 73 yrs old & the language & proniunciations is today’s world are a challenge to Senior Citizens. Watch Comedy Central & it gives you an example. I happened to see the pictures before you so stupidly withdrew them. Again, I nfound them amusing. Not a big belly laugh but a teeny, tiny giggle. Yes, 73 year old people really can still giggle!

    1. Zig Black Avatar

      Phyllis, your name would go great on a personalised license plate, 64 feet wide. Slapping every oncoming car in 4 lanes WHOOP WHOOP ehhhh and went back to Anderson’s candy store for segundoes too, ah? Nice. Say hi to Max Von for me. I’m guessing Minnesota or Wisconsin. Great people. Adequate heating systems. Rock on. Thanks for having something cool and funny to say. Keep giggling.

  26. hatelogins Avatar

    what a waste of time. you should just remove this article so people don’t come here expecting to see funny stuff and then see you pussing out over linking images.

    Just replace whatever you had with LINKS to the posts on the other site. As long as you link the post and not the image directly, it will be okay.


  27. Brandy Avatar

    The pictures were awesome. I went to show them to someone else and they were gone! There are too many to get through on the site and lots of others suck…..I am super pissed that they were taken down!!

  28. mike Avatar

    hi, im writing from we’re fine with you using a selection of our photos as long as you credit and link back šŸ™‚

    Best, AFP

  29. sarahlouisek Avatar

    Hilarious! I’ve seen the first one — the girl in a purple leotard — on greeting cards at the store.

  30. flipper Avatar


  31. Zig Black Avatar

    We’re all God’s children. CAT GUY FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. stacy Avatar

    @Obama Sucks: Do some research so you stop looking like a total idiot – those phones you are talking about actually started with Reagan, not Obama. And your comment insinuates that anyone who smokes pot and/or drinks are losers. I actually have a job, have never been on unemployment or state assistance, raised two kids on my own before I met my husband, and am now a business owner and I enjoy the occasional 40 and hit off a joint. You should try it some time, may make you come off as less of a bore.

  33. Steph Avatar

    So if you look really hard at the pic of the “naked leaf” guy, you will notice that the pic wasn’t taken in someone’s home. It looks as though there is art being displayed, almost like at a theater or art gallery. Maybe this guy was portraying Adam in a play, display, or exhibit of some sort and the girls wanted to take a picture with him. He honestly doesn’t look old enough to have 3 girls that age who look really close in age. Anyone else agree?

  34. […] Walmart called, your photos are ready ~ 21 PicsĀ [via] […]

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