LOVE STORY … a story in pictures you won’t forget easily

For more info on this loving couple, visit the official website:

WOW !!

LOVE STORY … a story in pictures you won’t forget easily



























































If he is a hero………..She is an angel

God has blessed us all, for he has put Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Soldiers here to protect what we believe in!

It’s the Marine, Sailor, Soldier and Airmen not the reporter
Who has given us the Freedom of the Press.
It’s the Marine, Sailor, Soldier and Airmen not the poet,
Who has given us the Freedom of Speech.
It’s the Marine, Sailor, Soldier and Airmen not the politicians
That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..
It’s the Marine, Sailor, Soldier and Airmen who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag.

If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation for the Military,
Please pass
this on and pray for our men and women
Who have served and are currently serving our country
And pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

700 responses to “LOVE STORY … a story in pictures you won’t forget easily”

  1. mrsanonymouslymarried Avatar

    wow wow wow……I’m in awe, touched, blessed and blown away…..This is really what love is about….May the good Lord continue to strengthen and bless what they have……War is just never way…….may peace find its way to reign…

  2. […] LOVE STORY … a story in pictures you won’t forget easily. […]

  3. joe barnabas Avatar
    joe barnabas

    wonderful……….the God kind of love

  4. Terri Avatar

    This gentleman is a true hero. He still wears a smile even though he has this handicap. This is truly a wonderful life story. His wife is a wonderful lady.

  5. laura book Avatar

    You are the perfect couple, standing strong. Thank you for your support to Mr. and Mrs. I am so lucky my husband came back with almost everything in tack, fight the strong fight. Once a warrior always a warrior. God bless! xoxo

  6. Shannon Jennifer Knight Avatar

    I have read the story through the pictures and I know it is only a glimpse of what you have endured together. Thank you for showing us what love is through your journey. Loving each other is shown through how you treat each other when the going gets absolutely as rough as you could possibly imagine. Sure it’s easy to love when everything is going alright. Thank you for your service and dedication. I hope the love between you two only grows stronger and sets an example to others. For no two people should ever think about being together without knowing if their love could stand that test. It is the test that most of go through in older years, one taking care of the other but this young couple, well this is something entirely different and such an example of bearing all burdens..

  7. Michael Doolittle Avatar

    Yes to both a Hero and an Angel, I am not sure that I could have gone on with similar injuries from my combat time in Vietnam… What they have between them is the gift of real love seldom found in life…

  8. KN Avatar

    They are both heroes no matter what anyone says. I have endless respect for both of them. Military wives, husbands, and significant others should aspire to be the person that this women is and support their troops upon their return instead of abandoning them when things get tough. This man would likely not be the person he is today without the support of this women. I know what it is like to love someone that has been physically and mentally scared by serving our country. Sadly I did not get the opportunity to support him before and during his ten years of service. I thank god every day that I was blessed with him and that I get to stand with him through thick and thin, no matter what that may be. Love isn’t only about caring when things are good its about caring when things aren’t, and supporting each other and pushing through the hard times. I’m very happy that they shared their story and I hope it inspires others.

  9. Lillian Farr Avatar
    Lillian Farr

    May your faith and trust in our Lord be with you always. You both are such a testimony of Jesus’s love. God Bless you both.

  10. […] An incredible love story. […]

  11. clarence clemons Avatar
    clarence clemons

    Beautiful in both courage and commitment. You guys speak to my spirit of hope. I applaud you and thank you both for the sacrifice you have committed to our country and to freedom. Unlimited blessings to you.

  12. Phil Avatar

    Amazing story. A link to the photographer who took many of these :

  13. Mary Nolan-Love Avatar

    Wow, this really is the most incredible love story ever……..we should never take our health or other blessings for granted. This makes me truly greatfull. Mary

  14. Darrel Wooton Avatar

    Friends, let’s never feel Sorry for ourselves, but let God lead us in the direction these two beautiful people have chosen. This Lady has chosen to let her Love for her man overcome all challenges and her man is Amazing. Jesus continue to lead these two and the Love for each other speaks for itself. Thank you JESUS for directing this Amazing young Couple.

  15. Ryan Osman Avatar
    Ryan Osman

    That is beautiful. “And I think to myself what a wonderful world”.

  16. Ali Avatar

    Tears to my eyes, bless you both and your family, I am an ex forces girl and my heart felt thoughts go to all the troops this xmas and beyond. My husband has stood by me after a terrible accident , it is our love and determination that has kept us together. Thank you for sharing your story Ali

    1. gavanozian Avatar

      Bless you and your family. Because of patriots like you. we live in a free country.. Thank you with all our hearts

  17. 46 Avatar

    Thank you both for the ultimate sacrifices you have made for our freedom! You are both such amazing people! Thank you for sharing your lives with us through your pictures. God bless you both! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  18. Melanie Avatar

    TWO American Heroes.

  19. Kristina Avatar

    I’m sure this is very hard and emotional for both of them, but the selflessness and commitment to our country and to each other is inspiring! When you have a handicap its hard to trust that the other person truly looks at you with the same adoration as before. Beautiful story of this trust in pictures….thank you.

  20. Bill and Sally Hatch Avatar
    Bill and Sally Hatch

    May god bless you both. This is a story of true love. My heart goes out to you and yours.

  21. Alicia Avatar

    I cried!!! All I can think of is 1 Corinthians 13. They are such a beautiful couple.

  22. Drake Avatar

    Sooo…..umm how do they bone

  23. Charlie Bogdany Avatar
    Charlie Bogdany

    As a Viet Nam veteran, all I can say is .You both are what true love is , and what America is, Can Do, and Thank You Both. Charlie B.

  24. Ed Blakeslee Avatar

    Anything I might add here would not begin to show the degree of utmost respect and appreciation for the level of sacrafice these two have endured for our country.
    True Heroes in the eyes of us all.
    Thank you both.
    Ed Blakeslee
    Binghamton, NY

  25. Wanda Potts Avatar
    Wanda Potts

    I’m not good at emailing so if you get this twice don’t question why. My husband and I live in Jacksonville Fl and would like to invite you to spend some down time by staying in our home. We live on salt water in a place called the Timicuen National Preserve. It is so beautiful we think you will fall in love with it like all our friends have. We can stay in our sons Rv so you can have your privacy. The weather is a little cool right now but will be perfect in April or May. We are an elderly couple with 15 grand kids and 16 great grand kids. Our home has views and endless sea birds. The fishing is also good.Bring another couple if you like. Also can recommend some good places to eat seafood. It is a place full of serenity which I would imagine you could use some about now. We are not wierdos, just a couple that have this wonderful place to enjoy and want to share it with people like you that have given their all for our freedom. Call or email me if you would like to come. We would love to have you. 904-757-4272 or send us an email.

  26. Kristy Avatar

    Wow! What a truely amazing Love story expressed in photos! God bless them both and their families!

  27. Mel_Linn Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. And thank you to all the men and women that have served/ are serving this country. Yes, the faithful and loving partners deserve accolades, as well. Thank you

  28. Rhina Avatar

    I love this story. There’s no thing that is more pure than a true love.

  29. Elizabeth Avatar

    All I can say is wow. There is no thing in this world that I wowed most than a true love.

  30. Lorenzo Myrick Avatar
    Lorenzo Myrick

    So very proud of your service. Although you can’t see me, these pictures and your story have moved me to tears. I pray for your continued happiness and success. Lorenzo Myrick/USAF Retired

  31. Joe Avatar

    I love these photos, am grateful for his service, and am humbled by their love……. but whoever wrote the tagging at the end is an idiot, many a reporter has died for freedom of the press and many a poet has did to speak freely.

    1. Sis Avatar

      No, No, No ~ not an idiot….just someone who had a full heart of appreciation for the military and all service people who HAVE sacrificed so much for the preservation of our freedoms. And yes, there are sacrifices made in every walk of life, and we appreciate each one of them!

  32. […] LOVE STORY … a story in pictures you won’t forget easily. […]

  33. Barbara Bogart Avatar

    Thank you for your service. You are two wonderful people. God bless you.

  34. ajai Avatar

    U r the reyeal hero
    because u have a true love
    and u trust you are self this all makes u a hero
    I’m Indian army u r the best u r my rul modules thank u

  35. KB Avatar

    Such a beautiful story. So lucky to have him back!!! My brother paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We are all family, no matter what branch. Keep on loving on!!!

  36. Louise Ferguson Avatar

    Beautiful wat an amazin couple xx

  37. en.vang Avatar

    Reblogged this on EN.VANG.

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